Awaken The Muse is a highly immersive, women's-only online experience to reconnect to your truth: access your body's innate wisdom, own your desires, activate your voice & unleash your sensual power

To be the first to hear about our next class of the expansive container devoted to embodiment, expression, desire, sensuality, nervous system work and more, join the waitlist below.


We Know the Story... 

Externally you've created ‘success’ - you’ve hustled, driven and ticked off your to do list, in the hopes that when you finally ‘got there,’ you would experience your life in the way you so deeply crave - alive, fulfilled, turned on, passionate, feeling secure and safe within yourself…

And yet, no matter how much you achieve, you don’t feel fully ALIVE.

  • You’re independent, can look after yourself, yet deeply crave to open to receive deep intimacy, care and surrender into your relationships and your life.

  • You hear whispers of your truth, yet can easily discount them as whimsical, unimportant or just downright inconvenient… You yearn to trust yourself deeply, to fill your life with more of what truly lights you up

  • You spend so much energy and life force on trying to create safety and belonging through looking or behaving a certain way, conforming to beauty or success standards, playing into society’s expectations on what a ‘good woman’ is, looks like, and how she behaves in the world.

  • Your friendships often leave you craving for more - to be seen for your depth and your desires; to be celebrated and supported as you build a life as an extension of your truest expression.

  • You desire to look around at your life and feel it is a beautiful reflection of what truly matters to you. To be living day to day as if you have finally arrived in your life, not waiting for ‘someday’ as a permission slip to finally live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

And let me tell you. WE GET IT.

Life a few years ago looked very different for us both... 

After being renowned leaders and students in the Transformation and Personal Development space for over a decade+, we thought we had “made it”  

The 7 figure businesses, the retreats, the philanthropy work, the masterminds, the TedX talks, the family, the sexy partners…you name it. 

But it took a big rupture in our individual lives for both of us to “wake us up” - to make us realize that we were externalizing our power from our image, our accolades, our financial success, or our identities as “girlfriend” “wife” “mother”... you name it. And the second those identities were threatened, our entire life felt like it was collapsing. 

We knew we needed a reclamation. 

Not to “read more books” or to fill our minds with more “information” 

No— a true reclamation of all the parts of our truest essence that we've neglected over the years to "fit in,"  be "accepted" and be "successful."

So, we banded together and did what besties in the "work" do: went ALL IN as an “experiment” to uncover everything that was in the way of our joy, our ownership, our power, and our TRUTH. 

We decided to shift the entire way we saw the world and break all conventions…  

And what unfolded was the most radically expansive journey of our lives… 

We Found our Inner Muse

  • Self-care took priority in our lives
  • Our teachings and work reached a new level of depth.
  • We found a sense of peace and comfort within our bodies and nervous systems
  • We experienced aheightened ability to manifest and receive abundantly.
  • Radiance became second nature and our creativity and inner artist resurfaced
  • Our sex lives reached incredible heights
  • We discovered a newfound enthusiasm for life itself

We now live an aligned, connected, desire-led life, all without conforming to societal expectations and standards. 

…and by simply activating this part of ourselves, we realized we had tapped into something BIG.

Symptoms and clues your Muse is asking for your attention

  • You have habits & patterns you can't shake no matter how hard you try - over consuming food, alcohol, social media, constantly attracting the same relationships & experiences in your life

  •  When you find yourself in situations you don't want to be in, you lose your voice, find yourself shutting down, and saying yes when you really mean no

  •  You feel you're at a crossroads, transition (or crisis) point in your life & you look around and wonder how you got there, and where the hell to from here

  •  You feel burnt out, overworked, have a to-do list that never ends, and if it did, you wouldn't know what really gave your life true, real meaning

  •  You feel like you're constantly looking around your life in fear, waiting for the other shoe to drop

  •  You feel like you're constantly living in fear, anxiety & survival, no matter the external conditions of your life

  • You're a chronic over thinker, over-analyzing and stuck in your head
  • You yearn for feeling a sustainable sense of peace, rest & trust
  • You find yourself thinking you should be feeling more -  your life looks good on the surface but you feel blah, numb, bored or lacking the aliveness you desire.

It is time to liberate the parts of yourself you’ve shoved under the rug or waited for “the permission” to let loose…

It’s time to meet your inner MUSE…


“Doing this work with other women, I felt SO SAFE”

It was a change to shine a light on an area of my life that I definitely knew I had been neglecting but hadn't quite realized how much. 

Doing this with other women, I felt so safe and helped me work through a lot of the shame that came up for me and helped me realize how universal so many of the things I'm working through are. 

–  Selome


This was the most beautiful, supportive and transformative container to find and come back to the true essence of yourself! LOVED IT!

–  Emma

“I am feeling more seen, expressed and accepted than I ever have.”

There are so many great things I can say about the Awaken The Muse program. Emily and Alexi are magical beings who created a sacred container that allowed me to open in ways that other programs didn't. 

I'd never felt more safe to open up and do deeply personal work in front of others. They attract wonderful women into their space,  some of which I believe will be life-long friends. I am feeling more seen, expressed and accepted than I ever have.

–  Nicole


Awaken The Muse

Awaken The Muse is a highly immersive, womens-only online experience to reconnect to your truth: access your body's innate wisdom, own your desires, activate your voice & unleash your sensual power.

Gone are the days of discipline over devotion, of productivity over pleasure

What if you could instead… 

  • Move from your source of power: owning and embodying your unique feminine essence.
  • Live the life you want to live: know what you truly desire (hello clarity) and create your dream life from this space.
  • Own your voice: learn how to advocate for yourself, work your boundaries, and ask for what you want.
  • Reclaim your radiance: feel lit up, open, magnetic, and turned on in all aspects of your life.
  • Unleash your creative flow: open up your connection to creativity and let it influence your life.
  • Own your body-image: feel beautiful, confident, and in love with your body temple.
  • Reignite your passion: tap into your turn on and unleash your inner fire inside and outside of the bedroom.
  • Amplify your magnetism: move through life with more flow by activating your receivership and becoming the invitation to that which you desire.
  • Build deep sistership: connect with our tribe of magnetic Muses to hold you to your unique truth and desires.

A Grounded Initiation Into Womanhood

You’ve seen other “feminine trainings” out there, but they seem too over the top, too far of a stretch, or don’t resonate with who
you are. 

This is deeper than just putting on lipstick, lingerie and feeling sexy . Whilst all this is great, Awaken The Muse is a deeper dive into the heart & soul of your womanhood, and building a life with HER at the center.

Using Our Signature Muse Method 


Reconnect with your authentic self by shedding societal expectations, trusting your inner wisdom, and facing your fears. It's the foundation for your journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance.


In this step, uou'll develop a deep connection with your body, empowering yourself to self-soothe and recalibrate your nervous system.

It's about sourcing worthiness from within and rebalancing the relationship between healthy masculine and feminine energies, allowing you to express your full range of self. 


This step dives deep into your desires, using your inner voice as a compass.

Embrace your desires as powerful and legitimate, rediscover playfulness in life, and align with the journey, not just the destination. 


This step focuses on deepening your connection with your body as a source of wisdom and power.

You'll anchor into your physical self, expand your energetic field, and connect with your inner animal body to enhance your awareness and instincts.


In the final step, we reawaken pleasure and prioritize it in everyday life.

 "Radiance" allows you to own your light and shine it unapologetically, becoming a magnetic presence.

It's the culmination of your journey, where you fully embrace pleasure and radiance with confidence and authenticity.

A Collection of What Our Past Muses Say...


Want a sneak peek?

What We’ll Journey Through and Create Together…


Nervous System Recalibration

Most people have a body that is practiced in collapsing/closing itself when it experiences deep intimacy, truth, fear, and the unknown.  Pleasure, love, and the capacity to feel fully alive live in these spaces–so if we desire it for more of that, we must practice how to expand, open and hold more of these experiences by creating safety in our nervous systems.


Dismantling The Good Girl 

The “good girl” takes many forms in our lives: the pleaser, the doormat, the one who won’t speak up out of fear of hurting others or losing favor, the one who “does it all” and “doesn’t need anyone”, and the one who constantly puts her needs aside for others.  All the ways you collapse on your truth, drop or betray yourself, stay small, quiet, shut down, or settle for less than what you truly desire is your inner Good Girl programming at play.  We’ll do the deep work of dismantling this programming in your life so that you can live a life that’s true to you.


Embodied Expression

Learning tools and distinctions about being more fully expressed and alive is amazing…but without the embodied practice of it, it’s all just great ideas. Through our Live Embodiment Activation calls we’ll be building a practice of accessing and expressing different energies, emotions, and ways of being–ultimately bringing the wisdom we learn intellectually into an embodied practice.


Tools To Reclaim & Own Your Voice 

Learn how you’ve been selling out on yourself in order to gain security and approval–and then give voice to your unsaid desires, fears, and frustrations in a way that builds safety and confidence to empower you to express yourself in the small and big moments of your life.


Rebalancing Your Inner Masculine & Feminine

No matter how much “work” you’ve done, there is a deep-seated wound of unworthiness that most humans experience.  By coming out of the shadow of masculine and feminine energies of control and people-pleasing, and building up our true inner masculine and feminine energies of dignity and radiance,  we bring ourselves back into wholeness.  This restored wholeness creates inner unshakable self-trust, which ultimately is tied to your worth.


Connecting To Desires & Using the Art of Influence

Do you feel you are living out that which you desire? Do you even know what it is you want? Desire is a life force for feminine living and acts as our compass of truth, guiding us toward our fullest expression. You’ll learn how to excavate your true desires and then create your life to be reflective of those through mastering the Art of True Influence.


Freeing Ourselves of Deep Shame

By facing off with what we’ve repressed and held in the shadows around our expression, sexuality, or things we’ve experienced that we’ve held shame around… we set ourselves free.  Our ruptures are the gateway to our deepest openings.  And in these openings we can touch and taste our deepest truth.


Building a Pleasure Practice

By working with our pleasure daily, we take it from living exclusively in the bedroom to being able to access our pleasure and play in our everyday life.


All The Goodies That Await You...


Bi-Weekly Video Modules:

Over the 12 weeks, our journey unfolds through insightful video modules. Every other week, you'll dive deeper into our Muse Method, setting the stage for profound transformation.


Expansive Workbooks:

Our comprehensive workbooks will guide your exploration and growth, providing you with essential tools to navigate your Muse journey.


Embodiment Practice Calls

Join these live sessions to engage in embodied practices, embracing your sensual self and deepening your connection to your body.


Live Coaching Calls

These live coaching sessions serve as an anchor for your transformation, offering personalized support and guidance, ensuring your Muse journey is uniquely tailored to your needs.


Private Community

Connect with a community of supportive women, sharing, receiving, and giving feedback, and fostering an environment where you can truly be yourself.

A Community of Long-Lost Sisters

Immerse yourself in a community that feels like long-lost sisters. Celebrate your unique expression of pleasure, desire, radiance, and aliveness within a supportive and understanding community that meets you where you are on your Muse journey.

If this is stirring your soul...



Hear What Our Past Muses Say...

“The first thing that made me come home to myself!”

I truly loved this program. I loved the people, the mentors and the content. And most of all, I loved that despite all the previous 'work' I've done on myself, this was the first thing that made me come home to myself and accept and embrace my core essence as a gift. 

And best of all, it's not actually work, but just re-discovering how to find the joy in my life. 

–  Davina

“One of the most powerful and potent experiences for me in coming back to me...”

Joining the Awaken The Muse was one of the most powerful and potent experiences for me in coming back to me, stepping deeper into my sensuality, sexuality, pleasure and playfulness. 

Not only was the container full of powerful, like-minded, supportive women but i felt safe, seen, and celebrated throughout the whole program. I deepened my relationship with myself and my Muse and my energy & embodiment totally shifted. 

There were so many things that i learned that i am so excited to fully embody and experience moving forward in my daily life. One of the best, most fun containers I have been in"

–  Kelly

“A beautiful and powerful container to reclaim your ability to experience pleasure”

A beautiful and powerful container to reclaim your ability to experience pleasure, return home to your body and be held by such warm and inspirational leaders Em & Lex!

You are welcomed into the wonderful community of other women learning, sharing and growing from one another in such a heartfelt and genuine way. It's such a gift we all deserve to say YES to and gift it to ourselves!

–  Ali

Plus... we've got something extra for you...

Let's Not Forget These Fabulous Bonuses!


Desire as a Strategy 

With John Wineland 

Unlock the transformative power of desire with John Wineland. Discover how desire can be harnessed as a strategic force in your life. John will guide you in using your desires as a compass to lead you towards a more aligned and passionate existence.


($400 VALUE)

FREE with Awaken The Muse


The Fawn Nervous System Response

Elisha Halpin

Dive deep into understanding and navigating the Fawn Nervous System Response with Elisha Halpin.

Learn how to recognize this pattern, transform it into empowerment, and create healthy boundaries that honor your true desires.


($400 VALUE)

FREE with Awaken The Muse


Exploring Everyday Sensuality

With Alexa Bowditch

Join Alexa Bowditch for an exploration of everyday sensuality.

Learn to infuse your daily life with sensuous moments that awaken your pleasure and radiance. This training will help you connect with your sensual self in the most ordinary moments.


($400 VALUE)

FREE with Awaken The Muse


Conscious Kink & Sexual Exploration

With Kimi Inch

Delve into the world of conscious kink and sexual exploration with Kimi Inch.

Discover how conscious practices can deepen your connection with your desires, your partner, and your own sensuality. This training offers a safe and exploratory space for expanding your sexual horizons.


($400 VALUE)

FREE with Awaken The Muse

PLUS! For a Limited Time...

Receive These Exclusive Bonuses 

Because we're wanting to make it SUPER easy for you to live and BREATHE the Muse Life...


Muse Calendar  

Life can be busy, and busyness can steal away our attention and intention from what truly matters...

A life that feels juicy to wake up to every morning.

A life filled with what lights us up and turns us on.

A life that creates endless opportunities for us to feel fully alive.

Use this calendar as a way to build a practice of not only connecting with your incredible essence, but living the Muse as a way of life.

($57 VALUE)  Included with Awaken The Muse


Nervous System Recalibration Toolkit

The Nervous System Recalibration Toolkit is your key to unlocking the power of your body's innate wisdom.

In this bonus, we offer you a treasure trove of exercises and practices carefully designed to help you build a deep and meaningful relationship with your nervous system. It's your gateway to experiencing life with more profound expression and pleasure.

($997 VALUE)  Included with Awaken The Muse


The Art of Reinvention

This bonus training shares a framework to use and revisit when you are entering the initiatory times in your life. When you experience yourself leaving one identity behind and stepping into a new one (hello the process of living as the Muse!). This is the feminine guide for getting out of a funk and finding your spark again.

($147 VALUE)  Included with Awaken The Muse


Guest Expert Sessions

We continue to add and grow the curriculum of this program and in our only class of 2024, these are the new BONUS classes we are adding in! These are sessions with us & industry leading experts all focused on more deeply supporting the journey of the Muse.

  • Dating & Relating Polarity Panel with male experts 
  • Integrating the Inner Child with Christine Hassler 
  • Business - From Chaos to Calm with Natalie Ellis (BossBabe)
  • Awaken the Artist within with Garrain jones
  • Expanding through grief with Joshua Werner
  • Navigating the Initiation of Marriage & kids with Alexi & Preston

($3997 VALUE)  Included with Awaken The Muse




Hey Love! We're Alexi & Em


...Friends for what feels like lifetimes, and co-conspirators of living our lives FULLY...unapologetically and out loud.  (This pic is us at Burning Man, our favorite playground of expression!) 

We decided we couldn't keep what we learned about the Muse to ourselves, and designed this program to walk other women through the same journey we took---the journey back home...

We created Awaken The Muse for the woman…

Who knows she’s more than the work she creates, the revenue she generates, or the body she’s in. 


Who knows deep in her core that she is MORE than what she does or who she is for others but can’t fully embody that ‘knowing’ yet.  


Who desires to move through the world with more joy, sensuality, turn on, pleasure, openness, curiosity, spontaneity & even be a little (or a lot) outrageous.

Who is no longer available to be defined by society’s rules, regulations, and standards… she no longer desires to live up to other people's expectations of her. 


Who deeply desires a sisterhood of expansion, who sees her, celebrates her, challenges her to live even more into her aliveness, alignment, and possibility. 


Who desires to be celebrated for her ENERGY, her vitality, her vibrancy, the way she lights up a room…in her own unique flavor.

We created Awaken The Muse for YOU.

But this program isn't for everyone...

Awaken The Muse is NOT for you if...

  • You are looking for easy solutions

  •  You want to manipulate or weaponize your feminine power

  •  You want to be saved or aren’t ready to take responsibility

  • You're not ready to be a part of a connected and vulnerable community of Women 


Our Promise To You

We meet you where you’re at, and then, if you’re willing, will invite you to a depth of yourself, that will change your experience of every area of your life.

Our only ask is that you step 2 feet in, dive in FULLY, and commit to this new chapter of your life with courage.

Next steps!

How It All Works

Step 1

Fill Out An Application

Our application process is short and sweet! We simply want to make sure this group is curated with women who are team players that are willing to play FULL OUT and are here for the right reasons. 

Step 2

Complete Our Interview Process

Following your application, you will be prompted to book a call with Emily. This is so we can discuss your specific goals, hear more about the juicy desires on your heart, and see if Awaken The Muse is a good fit for you. 

Step 3

Unleash Your Feminine Expression

Once you complete your application interview, if you are accepted, doors will open to our online portal and we will share with you the next steps to get started.

So let’s break this down!

Everything You’ll Get With Awaken The Muse

  • 6 x Core Muse Method Modules from Alexi & Emily 
  • Bi -Weekly Coaching and Q&A with Alexi and Emily
  • 6 Live Embodiment Practice Calls
  • Step-by-step worksheets and exercises for each Module
  • Private  Awaken The Muse Community and Sisterhood that feels like family 
  • Lifetime access to all training videos, materials, resources, and Q&A recordings.

And let's not forget these extra Bonuses when you enroll now:

  • Bonus #1: Muse Calendar 
  • Bonus #2: Nervous System Regulation Toolkit 
  • Bonus #3: The Art of Reinvention

Plus this fabulous collection of bonuses including...

  • Exclusive Bonus #1:  Desire as a Strategy with John Wineland 
  • Exclusive Bonus #2:  The Fawn Nervous System Response with Elisha Halpin
  • ExclusiveBonus #3:  Exploring Everyday Sensuality with Alexa Bowditch 
  • Exclusive Bonus #4:  Conscious Kink & Sexual Exploration with Kimi Inch
  • Exclusive Bonus #5:  Dating & Relating Polarity Panel with male experts 
  • Exclusive Bonus #6: Integrating the Inner Child with Christine Hassler 
  • Exclusive Bonus #7: Business - From Chaos to Calm with Natalie Ellis (BossBabe)
  • Exclusive Bonus #8: Awaken the Artist within with Garrain jones
  • Exclusive Bonus #9: Expanding through grief with Joshua Werner
  • Exclusive Bonus #9: Navigating the Initiation of Marriage & kids with Alexi & Preston
Last chance love...

The Muse moves from feeling… So check in, what are you feeling?

Are you feeling a buzz of excitement, possibility, and anticipation?

If so, sweet sister, we invite you to join us, as we Awaken The Muse.


Total value of this program is over $20,000

Actual Investment For Awaken The Muse is in the low 4 figures


Imagine, for a moment, if you dared to unleash HER

  • The part of yourself stays hidden because there are too many responsibilities, and too many people to tend to, or too many things on the to-do list

  •  The part of yourself that represents your fullest expression and deepest desires

  •  The part of you that is the portal to your real power and magnetism

  •  The part of yourself that was always there, but just buried underneath the “good girl” programming and years of self-betrayal and people-pleasing. 

  •  The part of yourself filled with self-ownership,  expression, bliss, and spontaneous moments to do whatever she pleases…

  •  The part of you that sets empowered boundaries and does what she wants, without making sure everyone else is “taken care of.

  • The part of you that isn't worried about being "too much" making a scene, making other women uncomfortable, being the center of attention.. 

It is time to liberate the parts of yourself you’ve shoved under the rug or waited for “the permission” to let loose…

It’s time to meet your inner MUSE…



Got Questions? Ask Away!

Frequently Asked Questions